Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Where I Come From

I come from Boston Massachusetts. As a child, I left school at the age of 12 because my father died and I needed to get a job to support my mother. When I left school, I became a clerk in a bookstore, and eventually owned my own bookstore. I worked very hard as a child. Much later on in my life, after I ended job as secretary of war, I settled down with my family in an estate in Maine, Thomastown. I called the estate "Montpelier." Just because I ended my job as secretary of war does not mean that I did not work for the rest of my life. I had some other jobs, such as building ships, raising cattle, and making bricks. After I finished all of my jobs, I lived humbly with my family. If I do say so myself, I believe that my life was great and full of many adventures.

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